- Air Brake Chamber
- Air Brake Valves
- Air Dryer & Catridges
- Air Brake Hoses
- Air Brake Hoses Fittings
- Axles / Axle Parts
- Wheel Nut
- Bearings
- Center Support Unit
- Electrical Plug & Socket
- Exhaust Clamp
- Fifth Wheels & Components
- Fuel Filter
- Universal Joint
- Other Accessories
- Cord
- U-Bolt
- U-Bolt Kit
- Suspension and Wheels
Our Team
We are determined to provide the best quality products to our customers.
We believe good service and great quality product are the utmost importance.
Throughout product testings and third-party inspections,
shown our products complies with various standards and safety requirements.
Continuous improvement is our key to strive for maximum safety.
IATF16949 : 2016 Certificate
The aim of the standard is to improve the system and process quality to increase customer satisfaction,
to identify problems and risks in the production process and supply chain,
to eliminate their causes and to examine and take corrective and preventive measures for their effectiveness.
The focus is not on the discovery, but on the avoidance of errors.
Literature Resource Center
Product Catalogue
2024-04-08 1. General Catalogue.pdf
끂89 17.62 MB -
2024-04-08 2. Catalogue for Bearing.pdf
끂83 43.02 MB
Product Leaflet
2024-04-08 1. Air Brake Chamber.pdf
끂90 2.2 MB -
2024-04-08 2. Air Brake Chamber for Disc Brake Application.pdf
끂86 2.32 MB -
2024-04-08 3. Air Brake Chamber with Welded Clevis.pdf
끂82 2.29 MB -
2024-04-08 4. Slack Adjuster (Manual _European).pdf
끂82 1.95 MB
Chambers Technical Data
2024-04-29 Output_force_-_MGM_HALDEX_MBA_Contrast_Test.pdf
끂83 492.68 KB -
2024-04-29 Spring_Brake_SAE_Testing_Report.pdf
끂80 392.33 KB
Slack Adjusters Technical Data
2024-04-29 1. Manual_Slack_Performance_Test_Result.pdf
끂83 598.75 KB -
2024-04-29 2. Series_C_Auto_Slack_Installation_Book.pdf
끂84 617.44 KB -
2024-04-29 3. ASH_Auto_Slack_Adjuster_Installation_Book.pdf
끂79 242.74 KB
Bearings Technical Data
2024-04-29 Bearing_Tolerances.pdf
끂81 1.17 MB
Chamber Warranty
2024-04-29 Drum_Brake_Chamber_Warranty_Policy.pdf
끂85 77.75 KB
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